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Date:2024-04-02 10:31 Author:admin
Source and color:

Horseradish comes from the genus Horseradish in the family Brassicaceae, and its main edible part is the root. Its color is white; Shankui comes from the Brassicaceae family and the genus Shankui. Its main edible part is the underground stem (rhizome), which is light green in color. 
Growth environment and cycle:

Horseradish is relatively easy to plant and has a short growth cycle; Wasabi can only grow in pollution-free water and has a long growth cycle. 
Price and market demand:

The price of horseradish is relatively low, and the market demand is large; The price of wasabi is expensive and the market demand is scarce.

The spiciness of horseradish is infused with plant and soil flavors; The spiciness of wasabi is accompanied by a fresh plant aroma and a slightly sweet taste, resulting in a better taste. 
In addition, due to the high price and scarce market demand of wasabi, many mustard varieties on the market are now replaced by mustard sauce made from horseradish.


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